Sunday, August 30, 2009

MERdeKA cOMing~~ NO cELEbratIOn~~

Tomorrow is a meaningful day for Malaysian~~~ that is 31 August 2009~~~~
erm erm erm~~~ but~ 今年不比去年好~~因为某些事情, 我国并没有大事庆祝~~但这也好啦~
避免AH1N1大量传染的机会 。。。erm erm erm~~
明年2010年~~ 有项大事将会举行,我和丽君已经报名参加了~~~但不知会不会有变数~~大project~~ 比50thMERDEKA 更大型的~~~erm erm~~~ 希望到时可以参加吧。。。哈哈哈哈
................erm...........nothing to say already~~~ sienzzzzzzz =.=

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

My MYsTery FreIND iN lOve WITh mY mySterY FreiNd

yes~~ 没错~~我的朋友谈恋爱了~~在这里帮她宣布一下~~因为人家害羞~~muahahaha~~~
不在这里告诉你~~~ 我只说,只要你是‘本’群的人~~我肯定你们会认识他和她~~~嘻嘻~~~或许你已知道他们是谁了吧~~~ 好啦~~我在此的目的是要———恭喜!!恭喜!!———
恭喜你们有情人终成眷属~~~~ 祝你们百年好合~~~
To: 001~~From:堂主 :D

Sunday, August 23, 2009


22-08-08 星期六 晚上



我见到馨仪画得很过瘾的样子,便随手拿了她手上的笔来画。。。画完后,我才突然发现,我在用左手画画。。。=.= 而我其实是右撇子,但我没发现到我在用左手。。。。。这其实是一件很无聊的事。。。但为了纪念这特别的事。。所以post 在这里啦~~希望不会闷到你们啦~~哈哈~~~

Friday, August 21, 2009


哈哈~~终于~~考试完毕~~~但也不是很开心啦~~~因为还有大考啊~~ 埃埃埃~~~~~~~ 而且~~我亲爱的朋友们~~~我放假,你们考试,我考试,你们放假~~~~bo eng la~~~~ T.T
haiyo~~~ 很想出去看电影哦~~~~但肯定不能出的啦~~~~~
今天wl,wy,cc,vv 去唱k~~~released stress~~~ i can't go a~~~~ T.T~~~~~ sad~~~~ k la~~~ nothing to say liau~~~~ coz no mood ady~~~ haiz~~~~jia na~~~

Sunday, August 16, 2009



Today, we make experiment with UKM students..... they say they want to share their knowledge of applying what we learned in text book on experiment... we really appreciated it~ thankyou to the UKM DA GOR GOR and DA JIE JIE~~ =p~~
they teach us to do experiment when pressur low~~ the boiling point is lower~~~
damn intresting experiment~~~ and also many other experiment that we can do our ownslf without any chemical material d~~~

Sa PO~~~ REAlly sA po~~ >< 八月十四日。。。星期五。。。。生物实验室。。。 Today.. Bio teacher sudden ask us to do an experiment without telling us before~~ haha~~ but we still do it, because we atcually have to do this experiment on wednesday.... On that day, we have to do experiment to find out the rate of reaction of enzyme on different, where is the sources of enzyme~~kekeke~~~ human saliva~~~ that day, wy don't go to school, and our group lefted me, wl and priya... so, the job of collecting saliva, pass to wl which is the only ''boy''...(me,priya,wl:aiyo~~why wy don't come to school~~) hahahaha~~~ he seem like suffer in collecting saliva~~ most of the ''boy'' go to the toilet to collect saliva~~ haha~~~ ok.. at here.. say thankyou to wl~~ poor pity~~ wl~~ muahahaha~~~ okkk~~~ my turn to become pity~~~ why leh~~ because...i have to become the ''temperature keeper''' which have to maintain the temperature of solution on a fixed temperature... i keep adding hot water or cold water to maintain the temperature for a long long long timesss~~ somemore i 跪 at the floor to do that~~~ T.T i m the most suffer ''tempearature keeper'' at my class... i think... 最后。。。因为不够时间的原因。。。我们没有做完。。。。experiment...haiz....

Hunt-ChAt-HUnt 正式开张~~~~

hohoho~~~ i succes to edit a chat box ady~~ kekeke~~ cum left sumthing there>>>>>>
ba~~~ crap oso can~~ no wonder wat u write~~~
as long as got left something here so that i can know some 1 is viewing my blog~~~
which can encourage me to write more things here~~ haha~~ write sumthing here o>>>>>
for ppl who dunknw have to type wat at '''email'' just type ur blogger address ba~~ hehe
tx 4 ur support o~~~ wakaka
hahaha~~~ i still discovering how to customize tis~~ haha~~
yuan lai can revert to classical d wo~~ haha~~~
haha~~ but finally i succes discover way to add gadge without revert to classical~~ luckily~~

Monday, August 10, 2009

MUSHROOM VS BAD GAL~~ (i prefer mushroom)

HAHAHA!!! Can u guess what is this??
or still dunknow what is it??? or already know at the first sight????
yes~~~~~ this is...........................................MUSHROOM
that plant by me???
yes gua~~~haha..
i bought a pack of ''thing'' that can plant mushroom..with RM1 only~~which bought at nuclear plant centre~~kekeke
it was cheap and the mushroom can eat by human~~ hahaha..... big leh my mushroom~~haha
and the instruction show that we can cut it in 5 days~~~but ho,at the 5th day when i want go to petil it ho~~~ it was become smaller and seem like want dry already or what?? T.T
not nice as shown in this picture which capture at the 3rd day it growth~~~ nevermine~~ still have chance to growth another new mushroom~~~ngek ngek ngek~~~
lol~~~ haiz~~ today i find out that many of the gal so rude~~~ rude then the boy~~
and so~~~~~~~~~~ =.=..OMG~~~ gek hei ar~~~~ gek sei yan a~~~~~~

Thursday, August 6, 2009

haha~~~ cw so geng cao yeh~~~in her test~~

ho~~~ Today go view cw and lk d blog~~~ keke~~~ lk still hardworking for her exam~~~
while d cw sibeh geng cao a~~~ d test score so high marks o~~~ CONGRATULATION to CW~~ and gambateh to LK... and also XJ who also facing exam in this week.......... ><
加油加油加油........... LK and XJ......... both of you must can do it~~
lol~~~ i also want exam already~~
today my chemistry teacher ask us: have you all starting revision for you coming test?
students: NOPE!!!!
teacher: Ooopss...... atcually you should start doing revision before one month from exam er~~
students: HA!!!!!!!?????????????????? OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
=.=........... one month..before exam................then? now only left one week before the exam.... then.... die already lol~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
count down~~ 13 days before exam??!!!!!!! =.=............T.T..........
haiz......i want learn from LK liau....keep haiz haiz haiz liau~~~
today our muet teacher want ask us to have speaking again,i thought i will be the last group go for speaking~~~ and i don;t have any phyco preparation at all~~
today~~ one of our classmate absent~~ and what happen??
i repalce her place~~ OMG~~~~ i m really suddent call out to replace her place for speaking today~~~
yo~~~ and i realised that, i am unable to llink up all words into a well sentences.. although i have many points to give,but.......... i don't know how to give the point~~ and............ si lol~~~
A!!!!!!!!!!!! YA!!!!!!!!!1 i have a good news whhich happen on Tuesday, thats is~~ i don't broke any lab apparatus at that day a~~ HAHAHAHHAHAHa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

lol~~~~~~~ finally~~~ my mood recover abit~~~ because i'm back to write my blog le~~
i realise tat,when i no feeling happy~~~ i don't have mood to write my blog.. i only can share happy things in blog~~ so,if you dunnot see me updating my blog,its mean tat,i have no mood... emoing~~
kekeke~~~ OR............ i don't have pc besides me la~~ kekeke.......
haiz... exam coming soon.... my exam results must will fail terrible... i am horribel,terrible but not vegetable...kekeke...............
lol~~~~~~~` have so much presentation need to prepare for P.A, MUET also~~~
damnnnnnnn mafan... haiz......
tomorrow need to do sport check on students?? maybe??? i don't want do such thing la~~~
easy to de jui people d~~ haiz~~
i hope to retire from this job la~~~ haiz~~~but i think impossible lo~~~ 除非........
i fire~~~~ but it is a worst thing~~ because it may also will cut down my coco point~~ =.=
haiya~~~~~~~~ i really need to learn from my friends la~~ LK la,,CW la, and so on la..
all so hardworking d~~~ i am their contrast~~~ i must make a BIG DECISION~~~ today is my last day sot on9~~ i must control myself~~ must must must~~~~
i have so many friends accompany with me to work hard at study~~~ i must also work hard...
damn hard.......... over than that........ hopefully.............. i can do it ba~~
my friends~~~~~~ remind me when i become lazy o~~ or slap that i can '''wake up'''